Russian pilot tried to shoot down RAF surveillance aircraft over the Black Sea

A Russian pilot tried to shoot down an RAF surveillance plane over the Black Sea because he mistakenly thought he had permission, it has emerged.

The pilot of the SU-27 fighter jet fired two missiles at the British military plane on September 29 last year, with the first missing the target rather […]

«I will always be standing with Russia,» says Kim, as talks begin with Putin

Vladimir Putin gestures as he talks with Kim Jong Un at the Vostochny Cosmodrome, Amur region, Russia, on September 13. Kremlin

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un sat down for talks on Wednesday at Russia’s Vostochny Cosmodrome space center, where Putin told reporters the two «have […]

North Korea’s Kim Jong Un reportedly en route to Russia, according to South Korean media

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un appears to be on a train heading to Russia, multiple South Korean media outlets reported on Monday citing government officials.

Neither Russia nor North Korea have officially confirmed the meeting.

A visual guide to Ukraine’s counteroffensive

Ukraine’s counteroffensive has been underway for months, but the country’s hopes of a rapid and decisive breakthrough have long faded.

Kyiv launched the campaign aiming to recapture Russian-seized territory, especially in the south. But while there is a renewed sense of optimism, gains have been marginal and won at great cost. As Ukrainian […]

US intelligence believes Ukraine can break through Russia’s remaining defence lines by end of year

The Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency believes that the recent successes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine suggest a «realistic possibility» of a breakthrough in the rest of the Russian defence lines by the end of the year, although it would be extremely difficult — Trent Maul, Director of Analysis at Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in […]

What is — DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo (DDG) is an internet privacy company. DuckDuckGo offers a number of products oriented towards helping people protect their privacy online,[5] most notably, a private search engine, a tracker-blocking browser extension, email protection and app tracking protection for Android.

The company emphasizes privacy and anonymity in part to avoid the filter bubble of personalized search […]

Blinken in Kyiv to hear latest on Ukraine’s counteroffensive

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in Kyiv on what is his third trip to the Ukrainian capital since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion in February last year.

The visit comes as Ukraine’s counteroffensive moves into its fourth month, with both political and military leaders in […]
