Rainer von Holst on the run with investors’ Karatbars V999 Gold

As we have currently been informed from money investors’ circles, the internationally wanted professional criminal, Rainer von Holst (aka Jan Faber, aka Dr. Peter Klein), born 01 May 1955, who has been illegally residing in the United States of America (USA) since 19 August 2018, is said to be on the run with an expired […]

Rainer von Holst, Dr. Peter Klein, Jakob B., V999 and Osint Group, debunked by source evidence

What does a major news agency do when an alleged Dr. Peter Klein Esq. reports from faraway America in fine German and with big words as an alleged lawyer, demands the blocking of articles about his alleged client «Rainer von Holst» and his accomplice Jakob B., the alleged gold-backed coin V999 or the letterbox company […]

Rainer von Holst — Warum wird Anlagehai nicht ausgeliefert?

Laut Landgericht Augsburg gibt es für den in die USA geflüchteten Anlagehai Rainer von Holst ein Auslieferungsgesuch aus Deutschland. Trotzdem wurde der…

V999, Rainer von Holst alias Jan Faber and Jakob B., investigation confirmed


As recently reported, the Stiftung Warentest, recognized in the Federal Republic of Germany, has already reported on defamation on the […]
